Monday, November 29, 2010

I am here.

Pictograms of Olympic sports - Taekwondo. This...Image via Wikipedia
What can I say ? I've been lax in  my blogging. I have been busy, busy, busy. How many times have you heard that excuse, better yet how many times have you used that excuse. With the holidays coming up it is so easy to fall back on the 'I've been too busy' excuse. What have you been to busy to do ? who have you been to busy to see? It's never easy to look at our faults. This busy excuse thing is rather insulting if you put thought to it. Imagine someone saying "sorry been busy and I couldn't call you'' Why wouldnt they just come out and say "you are not high on my list, too bad, so sad'' *gasp* the horror of it ! Should we feel sorry for the so busy person ? They have been so busy, oh bless their heart poor thing, hasn't had time. Horseshit ! So the next time you are tempted to use the "been so busy'' excuse think about it. What is the real reason. Face up to it....... and don't even tell me you're too damn busy to do so.
Okay onto other rants.... let me see. Oh I finally started TaeKwonDo classes. Decided I wasn't that busy and could fit it in to my 'busy' schedule. I have been putting it for months. I have had all kinds of excuses. And you know what excuses are, obstacles we put in front of ourselves, roadblocks to success. And of course I have to give props to P90X. If I never did it I wouldn't be doing half the things I am doing now. Simply getting out of bed would be painful. Yoga and martial arts are the things that keep our bodies young, durable, flexible. I am planning ahead here with my health. I will do what I can to keep from getting stiff, flabby and rickety.I want to enjoy the next few decades of life to the fullest. I want to walk without a walker, move with ease. I want to breath air without the help of an oxygen tank and a motorized wheelchair. I want to get out of a chair unaided. I want to tie my own shoes and not wear slippers. I want to run. I want to jump. I want to touch my toes. I want to see my kids grow up. I need to set the bar, so they will someday do the same. Good health is something we need to continue to work on. No pills, no doctors visits. No pills. Imagine all the meds that are prescribed suddenly not needing a refill ! No more relying on a pill. The fountain of youth is within our reach. Who is going to drink it in ?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010 TONY'S COMING !!! Get ready people TONY'S COMING !!! Get ready people: "That's right Tony Horton is coming to the east coast. He will be in Long Island on November 6 ! and you are invited. Click the link below or..."

TONY'S COMING !!! Get ready people

That's right Tony Horton is coming to the east coast. He will be in Long Island on November 6 ! and you are invited. Click the link below or find me on Facebook, Like my page : If all else fails and the link below doesnt work , reply here. Easy peasy.!/event.php?eid=156437924386112&ref=mf

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010 It's my party and I'll cry if I want to It's my party and I'll cry if I want to: "Image via WikipediaMy woe is me story. First I was out of commission for a bum shoulder. A little bursitis and tendinitis. The chiropractor ..."

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

circulaire9.jpgImage via Wikipedia
My woe is me story. First I was out of commission for a bum shoulder. A little bursitis and tendinitis. The chiropractor was getting  me back in the swing (pun intended). No kickboxing or downward dogs for me. A couple weeks off bummed me out. THEN I started feeling awful. What's that you say doc , I have pneumonia AND shingles. UGH ! That took me out for a few more weeks. Don't ever get shingles, like you could help it, it is painful. Not breathing well stinks too.
Today is the day to get back at working this body. I didn't gain weight while I was bursitis, pneumonia and shingling. Shingling is a verb on my blog. I lost a few pounds. The meds take the appetite away.
TOday I just finished Yoga Booty Ballet, the advanced sculpt and abs. Ahhhhhh !! that felt good. Ask me tomorrow how I feel, haha. I dislike the whole starting over thing, I could tell that I lost a lot of energy and endurance. Sure I will get it back its the getting part that makes me crazed. I want to be back to the other me, the one before all the sickness. Patience is not my best virtue if you haven't guessed. I will go easy and slow.Too fast and I know I will hurt myself or feel crummy. Tomorrow I am going to do X Stretch. That has always been a favorite to do after a few days off from exercising due to busy life or getting over a cold. If you have any bad germs, any at all please don't come near me. I may Lysol you or Purell you from head to toe. I am in germaphobe mode. Stay well everyone.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010 Speed & pace Speed & pace: "Tony Horton often hears some of you struggle with the speed and pace of some Beachbody® workouts. Here's his thoughts.Some seem too fast w..."